Another Letter To Me 2021 Christmas Letter

written Dec 22, 2021
Dear Jesse, I bring you greetings from the future.
I see you sitting there near the end of 2020, scrolling your phone as you try to digest the crazy things 2020 brought into your life.
You read about how your beloved province of Alberta is in lockdown as government officials try to contain the latest outbreak of covid, or maybe as they try to restructure society. It’s not clear in the moment which is really behind the lockdowns.
You have so many questions and are trying to sort out what the future will hold.
Well, here I am, writing to you from one year later.
I’m sorry to report that there are still a lot of unanswered questions, and we are still facing government restrictions on gathering. I’m also a little embarrassed to tell you that you were dead wrong in your prediction that vaccine passports weren’t going to become a reality. Believe it or not, we now need to show proof of vaccination (or a negative covid test) to eat indoors or go concerts or movie theaters or to cross the border.
Yes, as we end 2021, covid is still our hot topic.
Some updates though: we now differentiate new variants by the letters of the Greek alphabet. We’re currently dealing with Omicron. So the good news is that we are over half way to the end!
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Ken Jost • December 23, 2021
Enjoyed your letter Jesse
Cousin Anne-Marie • January 3, 2022
Such a wonderful, creatively written letter Jesse! You guys have had quite the year! Grateful for how God has sustained you all!!