2020 Jesse and Heidi Jost Christmas Letter

This is us back in September
by Thomas Jost (almost 14 months)
I know its not traditional for authors to include their age beside the name, but in my case it is so impressive I made sure to add it.
A couple years ago my Dad wrote the Christmas letter from the perspective of “a letter from your future self” to last year’s version of you. He thought about doing that again this year, but he says this year was so crazy that past selves would never believe it!
So Dad asked me to write the letter this year. I’ve never done a Christmas letter before, but being 14 months means always trying things you’ve never done before, even if everyone is screaming around you that it is a bad idea. So here it goes.

Your Truly slaving away
I am Thomas, with luscious blond hair and dark brown eyes. I am currently single but that won’t last long, I’m sure. I’m often referred to as a miracle baby, and I’m not always sure if that is because my Mom almost miscarried me, or if they are referring to my magical ability to make things disappear in the toilet.
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Dale Jost • December 18, 2020
Creative overview of 2020 Thomas! Loved it❤️❤️❤️